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BLACK – 1. The color symbolizes grief, sorrow, sickness, wickedness, and death. 2. It is a liturgical color used on Good Friday. 3. Black and Red are colors of Satan, Purgatory and evil spirits.
BLUE – 1. The color signifies Heaven, wisdom, truth, charity, and fidelity. 2. Blue symbolizes the Virgin Mary. 3. Blue is often connected with the angelic class known as the Cherubim. 4. Blue is a liturgical color in some churches and is sometimes substituted for violet during the season of Advent.
BROWN – 1. The color symbolizes the rejection of this world.
GOLD – 1. The color symbolizes worth, wealth, kingliness, and splendor. 2. It can symbolize Jesus’ kingly office.
GREEN – 1. The color symbolizes growth, life, hope, fidelity, immortality and victory. 2. Green is a liturgical color used on the Sundays after the Feast of the Holy Trinity. It is also worn by the clergy when no other colors are specifically called for.
GREY – A color reminiscent of ashes, which symbolizes repentance and humility.
PINK (Rose) – The color of the third Advent candle symbolizing joy. SEE ALSO: Holidays: Advent Wreath.
RED – 1. The color symbolizes love, fervor, holy zeal, youth, fire, creative powers and heat. 2. It is a color closely connected with blood and martyrdom. 3. It is also a symbol of the Holy Spirit and the Church. 4. Red is connected with the angelic class known as Seraphim. 5. Red is a liturgical color used during Pentecost, Harvest Festival, Reformation Sunday, a church anniversary or dedication, martyr’s days, Thanksgiving and All Saint’s Day.
VIOLET (Purple) – 1. The color symbolizes penitence, referring to the purple garments put on Jesus when He was mocked (John 19:2). 2. It is a color used to symbolize royalty. 3. It is symbolic of preparation, mourning, humiliation and the Passion. 4. Purple is a liturgical color used during the seasons that call for repentance: the four Sundays of Advent, Lent, Holy Week, and Maundy Thursday.
WHITE – 1. The color symbolizes light, purity, innocence, joy, virginity, humility and purification. It is the color worn by Jesus after the Resurrection. 2. It is the color of all saints who did not suffer martyrdom. 3. White is a liturgical color used for Christmas, Epiphany, the Transfiguration of our Lord, Easter, Ascension Day, and the Festival of the Holy Trinity.
YELLOW – A non-liturgical color that is rarely used. 1. Yellow symbolizes cowardice, disloyalty, treachery, jealousy and treason and is therefore closely connected to Judas Iscariot. 2. If yellow is used as a substitute for gold it symbolizes love, constancy, dignity, and wisdom.